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  Portfolio Website

  1. Introduction
    1. General definition of a portfolio website - a website that contains:
      1. Samples of a person's work, such as wordprocessed documents, workbooks, presentations, and other types of works, and
      2. A few summarizing webpages that provide easy navigation to the various works and concise descriptions of those works.
    2. A student portfolio website can be a valuable aid in communicating with potential employers.
      1. Consider a situation where a student receives a phone call inquiring about future employment as a result submitting their resume to a company.
        1. During the conversation, the interviewer may say that the job requires good writing skills.
        2. The student may volunteer that they have a portfolio website and that, if the interviewer has access to the Internet, he/she may view it.
        3. After giving the interviewer the website's address, the student can lead the interviewer directly to the document that demonstrates the student's writing skills.
        4. They can then have a more meaningful discussion, because the interviewer is looking at the document.
        5. The conversation could lead to additional workbooks, presentations, and/or other works.  In short, a picture is worth a thousand words.
      2. Once the student is invited for onsite interviews, this website can be helpful in one-on-one interviews and presentations to larger groups.
    3. Why create a student portfolio?
      1. See Dartmouth - Why Start a Portfolio - very informative
                  Getting Started - comprehensive list of competencies and examples
      2. The process of creating a portfolio is a meaningful learning experience.
  2. FrontPage Portfolio Website
    1. The website located at is a prototype portfolio website.
      1. It contains the navigation webpages, but not the wordprocessed documents, workbooks, presentations, etc.
      2. This website is developed in Microsoft FrontPage and is hosted on a server that runs the FrontPage extensions.
      3. There are separate folders for the wordprocessed documents, workbooks, and presentations.
      4. If FrontPage were available, the student would receive a copy of the website.  Then, the student would add their works and corresponding hyperlink references on the navigation webpages.
  3. Stupub Portfolio Website
    1. The website located at is a modified version of the above website to run in the St. John's environment where:
      1. The facpub and stupub servers do not have the FrontPage extensions, and
      2. The site license does not allow FrontPage installed on the student laptop computers.
    2. As a result:
      1. Microsoft Windows Explorer will be used to transfer files between a student computer and the stupub server, and
      2. Microsoft Word will be used to edit the html navigation webpages.
      3. All the student works are kept in one folder to simplify the maintenance of the header hyperlinks.
      4. The header FrontPage component on each page was replaced with a copy of the header file.
      5. The folder, C:\Users\Patrick\Documents\My Webs\port, is the primary (original) source of all copies of the port folder.
      6. The files in C:\Users\Patrick\Documents\My Webs\port are zipped into
      7. The StuPortfolio website will not be updated with any of the enhancements to C:\Users\Patrick\Documents\My Webs\port.
    3. Webpages with links to Student Stupub Website Homepages
      1. Showcase - list of noteworthy Stupub Websites
      2. Student Websites from 2010 Spring
      3. Student Websites from 2009 Fall
      4. Student Websites from 2009 Spring
      5. Student Websites from 2008 Fall
      6. Student Websites from 2007 Spring
    4. Portfolio Website Presentation - description and requirements for presentation.
  4. Portfolio Exercises
    1. Portfolio Exercise 1 - Establish Stupub Website
    2. Portfolio Exercise 2 - Add Wordprocessed Documents
    3. Portfolio Exercise 3 - Add Workbooks
    4. Portfolio Exercise 4 - Add Showcase and Homepage Text
    5. Portfolio Exercise 5 - Review by St. John's Writing Center
    6. Portfolio Exercise 6 - Update Application of MIS Database Description
  5. Portfolio Information
    1. Portfolio Website Information - summary by PJL of interesting info and links about student portfolios
    2. ePortfolio in the Business Classroom - PJL presetation at Making Connections: ePortfolios, Integrative Learning and Assessment Conference, LaGuardia Community College, April 11, 2008.
    3. Dartmouth - Why Start a Portfolio - very informative
                Getting Started - comprehensive list of competencies and examples.

                             Misc: ftp link for facpub -

                   (This page was last edited on January 30, 2010 .)