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  Ch 1 - Information Systems in Global Business Today

  1. Opening Case - NBA     (p3 - short for page 3)
    1. Problem: Player development.
    2. Solution: Synergy Sports Technology - created database of video clips of each play indexed on players involved, type of play, result, ... See
    3. Benefit: helps coaches analyze strengths and weaknesses of individual players.  One team gives players iPods so they can review videos to prepare for next game.
  2. What is an Information System?     (p16)
    1. Data vs. Information - Fig 1-3
      1. Def (short for definition) - Data - raw facts representing events occurring in organizations or the physical environment
      2. Def - Information - data that have been shaped into a form that is useful to human beings
    2. Information system - a set of interrelated components that collect, process, store, and distribute information to support decision making and control in an organization.
  3. Strategic Business Objectives of (enabled by) Info Systems     (p12)
    1. Operational excellence - Wal-Mart - most efficient retail store in the industry.
    2. New products, and business models
      1. Example - new product, Apple iPod.
      2. Def - Business model - a description of how a company produces, delivers, and sells a good or service to create wealth.
      3. Apple transformed the old business model of physically distributing records and CDs to a new model of downloading music with iTunes.
    3. Customer and Supplier Intimacy - Mandarin Oriental Hotel - sets room temperature to guest's preference.
    4. Improved Decision Making - Verizon uses real-time info on customer complaints to fix storm-damaged lines.
    5. Competitive Advantage - Toyota - high level of efficiency and quality.
    6. Survival - banks follow Citibank's 1977 successful ATM introduction just to stay in business.
  4. Dimensions of Information Systems      (p18)
    (Note by PJL: in order to analyze information systems, we must consider the organizational, managerial, and technological aspects (dimensions) of information systems.)
    1. Organization
      1. Information systems are an integral part of an organization
      2. Key elements of an organization are its people, structure, business processes, politics, and culture.
    2. Management
      1. Perceives opportunities in the environment, and sets the strategy by allocating human and financial resources to achieve success.
        Note by PJL from Mgt 3325 (for your info only): management conducts a SWOT Analysis, see Section I.B.2 of
      2. Creates new goods and services.
        Note by PJL from Mgt 3325 (for your info only): see Section I of for product selection process.
    3. Information Technology (IT) - consists of:
      1. Computer hardware
      2. Computer software - Ch 5
      3. Data management technology - Ch 6
      4. Networking and telecommunications technology - Ch 7
  5. Complementary Assets     (p26)
    1. Def - Complementary assets - assets required to derive value from a primary investment.
      1. Example - to realize value from automobiles requires complementary investments in highways, repair facilities, and governmental standards.
    2. Firms that support their information technology investments in complementary assets receive superior returns on investment.
    3. Organizational complementary assets include:
      1. Supportive business culture,
      2. Appropriate business models,
      3. Efficient business processes,
      4. Decentralized authority,
      5. Highly distributed decision making,
      6. Strong information system development team.
    4. Managerial complementary assets include:
      1. Strong senior management support for change
      2. Incentive systems that reward innovation
      3. Emphasis on teamwork
      4. Training programs
      5. Management culture that values flexibility and knowledge.
  6. Interactive Session: Technology     (p23)
    1. Read UPS Competes Globally with Information Technology.
    2. Be prepared to discuss the following questions:
      1. What are the inputs, processing, and outputs of UPS’s package tracking system?
      2. What technologies are used by UPS?
      3. How are these technologies related to UPS’s business strategy?
      4. What problems do UPS’s information systems solve? What would happen if these systems were not available?
  7. Sociotechnical Approach to Information Systems     (p28)
    1. The study of information systems is a multidisciplinary field of study that encompasses both the:
      1. Technical approach - disciplines include computer science, management science, and operations research, and
      2. Behavioral approach - disciplines include psychology, sociology, and economics.

        (This page was last edited on January 09, 2010 .)