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Ch 10 -
E-Commerce: Digital Markets, Digital Goods
- Electronic Commerce and the Internet (p375)
- E-commerce in 2008
- Consumer sales - $255 billion
- People purchasing - 117 million
- Why E-commerce is Different
- Ubiquity - marketplace is extended beyond
traditional physical buildings to home, work, mobile devices
- Global reach - Internet reaches across national
- Universal standards - TCP/IP (Ch7
outline II.D.3)
- Richness - wordprocessed documents, workbooks,
presenations, audio, video, ...
- Interactivity - consumer actively engaged in each
website visit
- Information density - information plentiful,
cheap, and more accurate
- Personalization/Customization - example - MyYahoo
- Social Technology - users share
text, photos, videos. Can create new social networks and/or
strengthen existing ones.
- Note by PJL about Social
Technology (for your info only)
- Interesting book - Here
Comes Everybody - The Power of Organizing without Organizations by
Clay Shirky. Five word summary of book by Clay Shirky - "Group
action just got easier."
First 4:00 minutes - successful student reaction to HSBC "free" checking
Starting at 5:30 - getting arrested for eating ice cream in Minsk,
- Digital Markets
- Def - Information Asymmetry - information asymmetry
is high when it is costly for consumer to do product research.
- The digital markets created by the Internet have
greatly reduced information asymmetry, especially for autos.
- Def - Disintermediation - removal of
organizations responsible for intermediary steps in the supply chain.
- Cost of sweater reduced more than 50%. See
Fig 10-2, p383.
- Digital Goods
- Def - Digital Goods - goods that can be delivered
over a digital network. Examples are music tracks, video,
software, newspapers, books.
- The impact of the Internet on the
market for digital goods is profound.
- Internet Business Models - see
Table 10-5, p385
- Virtual storefront - sells physical
products directly to consumers -
- Information broker - provides
product info to consumers -
- Transaction broker - processes
online sales transactions - for travel
- Online marketplace - provides
environment for buyers and sellers -
- Content provider - provides
digital content, such as news - (Wall St. Journal)
- Social network - provides meeting
place -
- Portal - provides initial web
entry point along with personalized content -
- Service provider - provides
Web 2.0 applications -
Electronic Commerce
Types of Electronic Commerce
- Business-to-consumer (B2C)
- Business-to-business (B2B)
- Consumer-to-consumer (C2C)
Achieving Customer Intimacy
- Interactive Marketing and Personalization
- Def - Clickstream Tracking -
tracking data about customer website visits and storing them in a log.
- Def - Collaborative Filtering -
compares a specific user's behavior at a website to previous customers
to predict what the user would like to see next. This is an
example of using data mining to find sequences. See
Ch6 outline VI.B.3.b. uses collaborative tracking for "Customers who bought this
book also bought ..."
- Customer Self-service
- Airline websites allow customers
to check seat availability, purchase tickets, check arrival times.
M-commerce - skip (p397)
Electronic Commerce Payment Systems -
skip (p399)
(This page was last edited on
January 17, 2010