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  Database Exercise 2 - Create Transaction File

  1. Create a Microsoft Access database in your port folder that you created for the Portfolio Exercise 1.
    1. To do this, open Microsoft Access, click File Menu, New... .  Click New Database.
                For Access 2007, click Blank Database icon.
    2. In the File New Database window, click on folders until you come to your port folder that you created for the Portfolio Exercise 1.
    3. Then, key in the database title of AppMIS.mdb.  Click create.
    4. You are not to use a copy of my AppMIS.mdb database.
  2. Create the design for your Transaction File.
    1. To do this, continue with your opened AppMIS.mdb database.

    2. For Access 2003, in the Database window, click Tables, and double click Create table in Design view.  In the screen image below, the left-hand window is the Database window.  Note: in Microsoft Access, the word table is used to describe a database file.
      For Access 2007, click the Create tab on the Ribbon, then click Table in the Tables group.

    3. In the Table1: Table window, enter the Field Name, Data Type, and Description for the Transaction File that you specified in Database Exercise I.
      For integers, use Long Integer, decimals, use Double, and character data, use text with size < 30.
      Note: you are to have at least 8 fields in your Transaction File.
      In the screen image below, the right-hand window is the Table window for my Client File.


    4. Specify the key field for your Transaction File.  In my Client File, the key field is ClientID.  Note how in the above screen image, the ClientID field name has a key icon next to it.  This identifies the key field.  To do this for your Transaction File, click on the field that you wish to be the key field.  Then, click on the key icon in the Table Design menu above the Table window.  The Table Design menu only appears when the Table Design window is the active window.
      Note: The key field for your Transaction File must be a long integer.
      The Personnel ID field should be a long integer.

    5. Save the table by clicking on the Save (diskette) icon.

  3. Create the data in your Transaction File.
    1. To do this, continue with your opened AppMIS.mdb database.

    2. In the Database window, click Tables, and double click your Transaction File name.  Your Transaction File will open in the Datasheet view.  In the screen image below, the upper window is the Database window, and the lower window is the Transaction Table window.

    3. In your Table window, enter the data for your Transaction File.
      Note: you are to have at least 12 records in your Transaction File.
      In the screen image below, my Client Table has 15 records.
      PJL(2010Apr10): Your PersonnelID (which may be called AssociateID, AnalystID, ...) is to have 5 distinct values.
      This is required for the later exercises, where two files are joined together.


    4. Compact (and Repair) your database.  This will make your AppMIS.mdb as small as possible.

      1. For Access 2003, click Tools, Database Utilities, Compact and Repair.

      2. For Access 2007, click the Access button in the upper left hand corner, then Manage, Compact and Repair Database.

  4. Change the link to your AppMIS.mdb file on your Creative webpage to refer to your database, not  This is necessary to facilitate the presentation of your database to the class.

  5. Use Microsoft Internet Explorer with to drag and drop your modified copy of the entire port folder from your Mgt4322 folder to your stupub website.  This will copy your database, AppMIS.mdb.  Follow the instructions of Portfolio Exercise 1, step 5.

    1. If not all the files copy over to stupub, try dragging and dropping individual files one at a time.

    2. To do this, in the ExplorerBar, click on folders until you come to your port folder.  Keep the port folder selected, but use the downward arrow to show the folder, if necessary.  Then, in the righthand windowpane, drag and drop a file (Creative.htm or AppMIS.mdb) from your PC port folder to the port folder in your folder in the lefthand ExplorerBar.

    3. Please note that if you used Word 2007 to edit Creative.htm, then you must also copy over the Creative_files folder.


  6. Print the Datasheet view of your Transaction File on one page using landscape orientation.
    To do this, in the Database window, click Tables, and double click your Transaction File.  Click the File Menu, then Print..., and OK.  Change the Page Orientation to Landscape in the Page Setup window in order to print the file on one page.

  7. Grading of Database Exercise 2.

    1. You will be graded on the consistency of the fields in your Transaction File with those specified in your Database Exercise 1, Item III.A.

  8. Requirements - see Homework Set III.
                       (This page was last edited on April 11, 2010 .)