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Fall 2009 Student Stupub Websites
A hyperlink in the Username column goes directly to the
student stupub website at<Username>/port/.
Abbreviations: Ex (Portfolio Exercise): SP (homepage in port stupub folder), V (stupub
account verified as working), Y (link works), N (link
does not work), P (substitute presentation on Presentations webpage), p
(substitute presentation on Workbooks webpage, move to Presentations webpage), 3 (has good [level 3]
explanation of skills), Db (Link to your stupub database on Creative webpage).
Note by PJL: When Office 2007 documents (docx,
xlsx) are clicked on in MS Internet Explorer, they are incorrectly recognized as zipped files.
The extension must be changed to docx or xlsx, then saved before they can
be opened into Word or Excel. This is a limitation of Internet Explorer
(also Firefox and Safari). It is not any limitation of stupub. When Office 2003 documents are
clicked on in MS Internet Explorer, they are recognized are Office files and can be opened
directly into Word or Excel. You may use Office 2007 documents, if you
As of: 2009Dec14.
Student Name | Username | Ex 1 | Ex 2 | Ex 3 | Ex 4 | Db | Comments |
Alan Chan | achan066 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY | Y | |
Alice Mohan | amoha170 | SP | YYY | YYP | YYY | Y | |
Andrew Conde | acond773 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY | Y | Writing Center |
Charles Jimenez | cjime434 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY3 | Y3 | Writing Center |
Chebe Ubawike | cubaw802 | SP | YYY | ppY | YYY | Y | |
Chi Quach | cquac828 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY | Y | |
Cory Anckner | canck477 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY | Y | |
Gerald Ogbonna | gogbo614 | SP | YYY | YYP | YYY | Y | |
Gregory Szempruch | gszem594 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY3 | Y | |
Gurbhinder Brar | gbrar605 | SP | NNN | NNN | NNN | N | |
Jade Concepcion | jconc519 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY | Y | |
James Chance | jchan887 | SP | YYY | Y - - | YYN | Y | |
Jashira Carlo | jcarl698 | SP | YYY | YPP | YYY | N | |
Jennifer Specht | jspec804 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY | Y | |
Jesse Pardo | jpard453 | SP | YYY3 | YYY3 | YYY | Y | |
John Barrios | jbarr473 | SP | YYY | YYY | NYY | N | |
John DeRiggs | jderi911 | SP | YYY | YYP | YYY | Y | |
John Taubeneck | jtaub057 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY | Y | |
Jonathan Ryals | jryal479 | SP | YYY | Ypp | YYY | Y | |
Joshua Saez | jsaez781 | SP | YYY | Ypp | YYY | Y | |
Justin Ying | jying252 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY | Y | |
Lamees Galal | lgala561 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY | Y | Homepage |
Lukasz Janocinski | ljano007 | SP | NNN | YYP | YYY | Y | |
Manmeet Makhni | mmakh821 | SP | YYY | NNN | YYY | Y | |
Margarita Rudzitskiy | mrudz322 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY3 | Y | Homepage |
Melanie Perez | mpere639 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY | Y | |
Melissa Cruz | mcruz185 | SP | YYY | YY- | YYY | N | |
Nicole Martin | nmart492 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY | N | |
Phillip Marrett | pmarr166 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY | Y | |
Qiong Yu | qyu098 | SP | YYY | YY- | YYY | Y | |
Rania Eveillard | revei673 | SP | YYY | YYY | NNY | N | |
Raymond Falcon | rfalc052 | SP | YYY | YYp | YYY | Y | |
Robert LaRosa | rlaro795 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY | Y | |
Ryan Maher | rmahe210 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY | Y3 | |
Ryan Quinlan | rquin986 | SP | YYY | YPP | YYY | Y | |
Sasha Olivares | soliv610 | SP | YYY | YYP | YYY | Y3 | |
Shanta Samlal | ssaml855 | SP | YYY | YYP | YYY | Y | |
Sourov Saha | ssaha162 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY | Y | |
Stephen Lemus | slemu914 | SP | YYY | YP - | YY- | Y | |
Vincent Labbate | vlabb585 | SP | YYY | NNN | NNN | N | |
Waldo Guevara | wguev188 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY | Y |
(This page was last edited on January 17, 2010 .)