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  Database Exercise 3 - Create Transaction File Report

  1. Open the Microsoft Access database that you created in Database Exercise 2.

    1. To do this, open Microsoft Access, click File Menu, Open... .

    2. In the Open window, click on folders until you come to your port folder that you created for the Portfolio Exercise 1.

    3. Then, double click on AppMIS.mdb.  This is the database you created in Database Exercise 2.

  2. Create a Microsoft Access report of all the records in your Transaction File.

    1. To do this, continue with your opened AppMIS.mdb database.

    2. For Access 2003, in the Database window, click Reports, and double click Create report by using wizard.  In the screen image below, the left-hand window is the Database window.
      For Access 2007, click the Create tab, then click Report Wizard in the Reports group.

    3. Follow the wizard by selecting all the fields, click Next,
      no grouping levels, click Next,
      sort by your key field, click Next,
      select Tabular Layout and Landscape Orientation, click Next,
      select Formal style, click Next,  (For Access 2007, the None style works well),
      key in your desired title, and Finish.
      The report appears.  In the screen image below, the right-hand window displays the completed report.

    4. Edit the report title to start with "DB Ex 3".

    5. Compact (and Repair) your database.  See Database Exercise 2, Step 3.d.  This will make your AppMIS.mdb as small as possible.


  3. Use Microsoft Internet Explorer with to drag and drop your modified copy of the entire port folder from your Mgt4322 folder to your stupub website.  This will copy your updated database, AppMIS.mdb.  Follow the instructions of Portfolio Exercise 1, step 5.

    1. If not all the files copy over to stupub, try dragging and dropping AppMIS.mdb by itself.

    2. To do this, in the ExplorerBar, click on folders until you come to your port folder.  Keep the port folder selected, but use the downward arrow to show the folder, if necessary.  Then, in the righthand windowpane, drag and drop AppMIS.mdb from your PC port folder to the port folder in your folder in the lefthand ExplorerBar.

  4. Print your Transaction File Report (should have landscape orientation).
    To do this, in the Database window, click Reports, and double click your Transaction File report.  On the File Menu, click Print..., and OK.

  5. Requirements - see Homework Set III.
                                          (This page was last edited on January 18, 2010 .)