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[ HW 1| 2 | 3 | 4 |
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  Homework Set I


  1. Do Portfolio Exercise 1 - click link for details.
  2. Do Portfolio Exercise 2 - Wordprocessed Documents.
  3. Do Portfolio Exercise 3 - Workbooks.
  4. Do Career Exercise 1 - Self-Directed Search.
  5. Do Career Exercise 2 - Job Opportunity.
  6. Use Microsoft PowerPoint to modify the first four slides of the Presentation of Portfolio Website file. This file is named PortWebPres.ppt and is located in your port folder.
    1. Use the instructions of Portfolio Exercise 2 to drag and drop your modified copy of the entire port folder to your stupub website.
    2. Print your presentation with 6 slides to a page.
      To do this, click Print, then select Handouts from the PrintWhat dropdown menu, using 6 slides per page.
    3. These slides present the results of Career Exercises 1 and 2, and leading questions for Portfolio Exercise 2 (Word documents) and Exercise 3 (Workbooks).
  7. Click this Homework Set I Grading Rubric link.  Use the rubric to review your homework set.  Then print (on one page) the rubric page and include it as the first item in Homework Set I.


  1. Individual Items

    1. Be prepared to present your solution any class after the homework Item is assigned.  For computerized problems, bring solution printout and flash drive to demo solution on the PC to the class.  Also, bring a copy of your port folder on a flash drive, in case the Internet is down.

    2. At the professor's discretion, the class may be requested to submit their solutions during the first 2:00 minutes of class. After review by professor, students will volunteer, and one will be selected for presentation.  The volunteer will be asked to come to the front of the room, and sit in a desk next to mine. We will then have a short informal discussion about the item.

    3. Your Class Participation grade is based on having an honest attempt at the solution and volunteering to present. For each Homework Item that you do not do so, your grade is reduced by 10%.

  2. Entire Homework Set
    1. This homework set is to be complete and professional looking. An additional cover or binding is not required, but the homework set is to be stapled (not paper clipped) together as one unit in sequential order. If not, penalty is 10%. No photocopies. Each student is to submit their own work. An additional 20% may be deducted for sloppiness and/or poor English.

    2. Do not submit any of the cover pages from the micro lab printers. The penalty is 10% for each cover page submitted. (Save the trees.) Late submission penalty is 20% for each class late. Submission after the final exam receives zero credit. A sample of the Items may be used for grading. Submit in class. Do not leave in my mailbox, because it is not secure.
                         (This page was last edited on January 26, 2010 .)