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  Application of MIS Database

  1. Objective
    1. The primary objective of these Application of MIS Database exercises is for you to create a prototype database for the Job Opportunity that you found in Career Exercise 2.  As a result, you improve your skills in information systems analysis and design.
  2. Sample Prototype
    1. A sample Microsoft Access database for the Capital Markets Intelligence (CMI) Associate illustrated in Career Exercise 2 may be downloaded by clicking this link.
      Note by PJL: If SaveAs suggests AppMIS.htm, change to AppMIS.mdb.
  3. Application of MIS Database Exercises
    1. Database Exercise 1 - Establish Database Requirements
    2. Database Exercise 2 - Create Transaction File
    3. Database Exercise 3 - Create Transaction File Report
    4. Database Exercise 4 - Create Transaction Exception Report
    5. Database Exercise 5 - Create Personnel File
    6. Database Exercise 6 - Create Personnel Report
    7. Database Exercise 7 - Create Personnel Exception Report
  4. Due Dates
    1. Individual Exercises - be prepared to present your required output any class after the exercise is assigned.
      1. Bring paper copy.  May be collected at the professor's discretion.
      2. Have an electronic copy readily available to demo to the class.  Either a copy on a flash drive or a link on your stupub Creative webpage to your database.

                   (This page was last edited on January 18, 2010 .)