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Spring 2009 Student Stupub Websites
A hyperlink in the Username column goes directly to the
student stupub website at<Username>/port/.
Abbreviations: Ex (Portfolio Exercise): SP (homepage in port stupub folder), V (stupub
account verified as working), Y (link works), N (link
does not work), P (substitute presentation on Presentations webpage), p
(substitute presentation on Workbooks webpage, move to Presentations webpage), 3 (has good [level 3]
explanation of skills), Db (Link to your stupub database on Creative webpage).
Note by PJL: When Office 2007 documents (docx,
xlsx) are dragged and dropped (or copied and pasted) to stupub, they appear to
be incorrectly recognized as zipped files, which must be saved before they can
be opened into Word or Excel. When Office 2003 documents are dragged and
dropped to stupub, they are recognized are Office files and can be opened
directly into Word or Excel. You may use Office 2007 documents, if you
Student Name | Username | Ex 1 | Ex 2 | Ex 3 | Ex 4 | Db | Comment |
Ali Anwar | aanwa291 | SP | YYY | YNp | NYY | N | |
Amanda Spatz | aspat757 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY | Y | |
Amberley Calvo | acalv969 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY | Y | Writing Center |
Andrew Singh | asing732 | SP | YYY | YYY3 | YYY | Y | |
Anthony Vitale | avita615 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY | Y | |
Avan Hundley | ahund291 | SP | YYY | YYN | YYY | N | |
Brian Kemp | bkemp621 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY | Y | |
Britney Broderick | bbrod106 | SP | YYY | YYP | YYY | Y | |
Christian Kaiser | ckais473 | SP | YYY | NYY | YYY | Y | |
Christopher McDougall | cmcdo331 | SP | YYY | YYP | YYY | Y | |
Christopher Castellano | ccast349 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY3 | N | Homepage |
Elias Sayegh | ~esaye998 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY | Y | |
Elizabeth Stylianou | estyl169 | SP | YYY3 | YPP | YYY3 | Y | Homepage, Writing Center |
Enisa Dervisevic | ederv389 | SP | YYY | YYP | YYY | Y | |
Erica Vigna | evign804 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY | Y | |
Ernest Watrous | ewatr461 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY | Y | |
Gabriela Tuz | gtuz956 | SP | YYY | YYY3 | YYY3 | Y | Homepage, Writing Center |
Gerard Manners | gmann891 | SP | YYY | YYP | YYY | Y | Db7 |
Haadia Siddiqi | hsidd291 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY | Y | |
Harpreet Singh | hsing339 | SP | YYY | YYP | YYY | Y | |
Jessica Castellano | jcast015 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY | N | |
Jessica Lazo | jlazo415 | SP | YYY | YPP | YYY3 | Y | Homepage |
Jessica Menendez | jmene188 | SP | YYY | YYP | YYY | N | |
Jia Fei Zhang | jzhan473 | SP | YYY | NNN | YYY | Y | |
Joseph Falco | jfalc193 | SP | YYY | YYP | YYY | Y | |
Judnick Mayard | jmaya048 | SP | YYY | NNN | NNN | Y | |
Karl Folkes | kfolk965 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY | Y | |
Khem Lewis | klewi433 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY | Y | |
Kyle Gouldthorpe | kgoul118 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY | Y | |
Leonard Hamlin | lhaml877 | SP | YYY | YYP | YYY | Y | |
Mackenzee Sims | msims028 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY | Y | Writing Center |
Manuel Cuzco | mcuzc521 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY | N | |
Matthew Coleman | mcole599 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY3 | Y | Homepage, Db7 |
Matthew Pascarelli | mpasc076 | SP | YYY | YYY3 | YYY3 | Y | Homepage, Db7 |
Michael Tutino | mtuti662 | SP | YYY3 | YYY3 | YYY | Y | Wordpro docs, Db7 |
Muctar Ibrahim | mibra999 | SP | YYY | YPP | YYY | Y | |
Nicholas Kandasami | nkand036 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY | Y | |
Norisa Lewis | nlewi758 | SP | YYY3 | YYY | YYY | Y | Wordpro docs |
Quinn Evans | qevan194 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY | Y | |
Salvatore Amato | samat813 | SP | YYY3 | YYY3 | YYY | Y | Wordpro docs |
Samantha Tejada | steja113 | SP | YYY | YYp | YYN | Y | |
Sonal Desai | sdesa649 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY | N | |
Sumit Sandhu | ssand442 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY | N | |
Trisha Caillot | tcail296 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY | N | |
Vikas Sathyaprakash | vsath426 | SP | NYY | NNN | NNN | N | |
Vincent Hardalo | vhard587 | SP | YYY | YYY | YNY | Y | |
Xichang Wang | xwang708 | SP | YYY | YYY | YYY | Y |
(This page was last edited on
October 18, 2009