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Career Exercise 4
As discussed in the Chapter 2 lecture, the Strategy Development
Process consists of:
· Considering the threats and opportunities in
the firm’s environment,
· Considering the firm’s strengths and
weaknesses, and
· Then developing a strategy that matches the
firm’s strengths with the opportunities, while avoiding the threats and weaknesses.
The primary purpose of this exercise is for you to use the
information you found in Career Exercise 3 to determine your career strategy for the
next five years.
1. To help you in the process of developing an appropriate strategy for you career, wordprocess a one page summary of the Self Assessment exercise you conducted for Homework Set I containing a short paragraph on each of the following topics:
¶ What Do I Like to Do Most in Terms of Interests (refer back to pages 4 and 5 of your Assessment Booklet),
¶ What Do I Do Best in Terms of Skills (refer back to pages 6 and 7 of your Assessment Booklet),
¶ What Life Style Do I Wish to Lead
· work time - 40, 50, 60, . . . hours/week,
· work location - Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, LI, small city, . . .
· home location - Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, LI, small city, . . .
· travel time - 10, 60, 120, . . . minutes/day
· firm size - large, small, business for self
¶ What Matters to Me - Values
· adding new skills - not important, important, very important
· having a leadership role - not important, important, very important
· advancing within the organization - not important, important, very important
· working in an ethical environment - not important, important, very important
¶ What is My Career Strategy for the Next Five Years.
As a sample strategy, consider an accounting major, who, before the Self Assessment, thought she would work in the accounting department of a large firm, get a masters in accounting, and perhaps become departmental manager some day. After the Self Assessment, she realized that she has always enjoyed museums. As a result, her strategy became to work in the accounting department of a museum in Manhattan, get an MBA in management, and advance to senior management at a museum.
As you do this exercise, please think about the lyrics from the song, "Happy Talk", from the musical South Pacific:
"If you don't have a dream,
how you gonna have a
dream come true?"
2. Update your resume to reflect your career strategy. (Optional - attend a Career Center Resume Workshop.)
Be prepared to discuss your career strategy on Sessions #36-38
(Apr26-30). The format will
be to come to the front of the room, sit in a desk next to mine, and then
informally discuss your results of Career Exercises
2, 3, and
4 by presenting:
Your Job Opportunity Summary from Exercise
* Some
insightful company information from Exercise 3,
* A well
thought-out Self Assessment Summary from Exercise 4 (Item 1 above), and
* A
consistent and updated resume (Item 2 above) appropriate for the job
opportunity from Exercise 2.
Your Second Half Class Participation grade may be penalized 10% if you
do not have appropriate printouts and written preparation.
Written: staple together the one page summary of the Self
Assessment exercise described above, and a copy of your updated resume.
See calendar for due date. Late submission
penalty is 20% of your HW IV grade for each class
late. Submission after the final exam receives
zero credit.
page was last edited on
January 08, 2010.)