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Ch 2 - Operations Strategy in a Global Environment

  1. Developing Missions and Strategies (p34)
    1. Mission
      1. Def - Mission - statement of the rationale for a firm’s existence
      2. Each functional area within the firm determines its supporting mission
    2. Strategy
      1. Def - Strategy - plan of how the firm will commit its resources to achieve its mission
      2. Strategy Development Process (SWOT - Strenghts, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats - p43)
        1. Consider threats and opportunities in the firm’s environment
        2. Consider the firm’s strengths and weaknesses
        3. Then develop strategy that matches firm’s strengths with opportunities, while avoiding threats and weaknesses

          Mgt 3325

          Mgt 4329

          (Use SWOT to develop your own personal strategy - What Color is Your Parachute?
                  supplement - Job Hunter's Bible - )

  2. Achieving Competitive Advantage (p36)
    1. Competing on Differentiation - providing uniqueness
                Safeskin Corp. - first to introduce state-of-the art gloves
    2. Competing on Cost
                Southwest Airlines - low-cost, short-hop flights
                          (See Activity Mapping - Fig 2.8, p46 - high??? employee compensation)
    3. Competing on Response - flexible
                Hewlett-Packard - responds quickly to changes in product designs
  3. Ten Strategic OM Decisions  (forms outline for rest of our text book)
    1. Strategies must consider the 10 OM decisions (p39)
    2. Typical considerations
      1. Product - customized or standardized
      2. Quality of products - high or low (consistent with customer needs)
      3. Process - see Example 1 - p40
        1. Intermittent process (Low-volume, high-variety) - job shop
        2. Continuous process (High-volume, low-variety) - steel mill
        3. Repetitive process - assembly line - in between above two
      4. Location - near supplier or near customer
      5. Layout - work cells or assembly line
      6. Human resources - specialized or enriched jobs
      7. Supply-chain - single or multiple source suppliers
      8. Inventory - when to reorder, how much to order
      9. Scheduling - stable or fluctuating production rates
      10. Maintenance - how much preventive maintenance
    3. Discussion Item - of the above topics, which one do you feel you are most likely to apply in your future career?  How?
                  (This page was last edited on January 13, 2010 .)