Mgt 3325 -
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Ch 2 - Operations Strategy in a Global
- Developing Missions and Strategies
- Mission
- Def - Mission - statement of the rationale for a firms existence
Each functional area within the firm determines its supporting mission
Def - Strategy - plan of how the firm will commit its resources to
achieve its
Strategy Development Process (SWOT -
Strenghts, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
- p43)
- Consider threats and opportunities in the firms environment
- Consider the firms strengths and weaknesses
- Then develop strategy that matches firms strengths with
opportunities, while avoiding threats and weaknesses
Mgt 3325

Mgt 4329
(Use SWOT to develop your own personal strategy - What Color is Your Parachute?
supplement - Job
Hunter's Bible - )
Achieving Competitive Advantage
- Competing on Differentiation - providing uniqueness
Safeskin Corp. - first to introduce
state-of-the art gloves
- Competing on Cost
Airlines - low-cost, short-hop flights
(See Activity Mapping - Fig 2.8, p46 - high??? employee
- Competing on Response - flexible
Hewlett-Packard - responds quickly to changes in product designs
Ten Strategic OM Decisions (forms
outline for rest of our text book)
- Strategies must consider the 10 OM decisions (p39)
- Typical considerations
- Product - customized or standardized
- Quality of products - high or low (consistent with customer needs)
- Process - see Example 1 - p40
- Intermittent process (Low-volume, high-variety) - job shop
- Continuous process (High-volume, low-variety) - steel mill
- Repetitive process - assembly line - in between above two
- Location - near supplier or near customer
- Layout - work cells or assembly line
- Human resources - specialized or enriched jobs
- Supply-chain - single or multiple source suppliers
- Inventory - when to reorder, how much to order
- Scheduling - stable or fluctuating production rates
- Maintenance - how much preventive maintenance
- Discussion Item - of the above
topics, which one do you feel you are most likely to apply in your
future career? How?
(This page was last
edited on
January 13, 2010