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Homework - Set II


  1. Click here and download my Excel worksheet, R51017e.xls (49KB).  Use it to solve the school district Problem S10-17, page 469.  Please note: if password requested, click Cancel. File will appear. This should not happen.
  2. Click here and download my Excel worksheet, R51018e.xls (51KB).  Use it to solve the school district Problem S10-18.
  3. Solve the EOQ Problem 12-1, page 555, manually.
  4. Solve Problem 12-33, page 558, manually.
    1. Determine the safety stock, if the service level is 75%.
    2. Determine the reorder point, if the service level is 75%.
    3. Determine the safety stock, if the service level is 95%.
    4. Determine the reorder point, if the service level is 95%.
  5. Solve the Aggregate Planning Problem 13-4, parts a. and b. (do not do part c.) page 608, manually.
    1. Part a: determine the aggregate plan using the pure strategy of Inventory (level production).
    2. Part b: determine the aggregate plan using the pure strategy of Hiring and Layoffs (chase demand).
  6. Click here and download my Excel worksheet, R51314e.xls (89KB).  Use it to solve the LP Aggregate Planning Problem 13-14, page 610. Allow backordering at $10 per pair of skis per quarter.  Please note: if password requested, click Cancel. File will appear. This should not happen.
  7. Solve Problem 16-17, page 745, manually.  Use Johnson's Rule to determine the order in which the chapters should be processed.  (It is not required to determine how long will it take to finish the chapters.)
  8. Solve Problem 17-13, page 778, manually.
    1. Determine the average time employees spend waiting and in service at the fax.
    2. Determine the average number of employees waiting and in service at the fax.
    3. Should the firm assign an operator to the fax? Explain.
  9. Submit your modified version of the ClassPartAI.doc file containing the two CPAIs for Ch 8, 9 or 10, and Ch 12, 13 or 16.  Please do not include the CPAIs from the earlier chapters.

Be prepared to present your solution any class after the Item is assigned. For computerized problems, bring solution printout and disk to demo solution on the PC to the class.

At the professor's discretion, the class may be requested to submit their solutions during the first 2 minutes of class. After review by professor, students will volunteer, and one will be selected for presentation. While there is no magic formula to determine your Presentation of HW grade, some typical scenarios are:
            0% - submit no verbal HW when requested,
          50% - submit all verbal HW when requested, never volunteer,
        100% - submit all verbal HW when requested, always volunteer.
(If you wish, you may think of these as take-home quizzes.)

Written: The due date for Homework Set II is Session # 11.   Click calendar for date.  You are responsible for all of the above problems, however, only Chapter 10 and 12 Problems are to be submitted.  This homework set is to be neat and professional looking. As a result, your solutions must show all work, not just the answer. An additional cover or binding is not required nor desired, but the problem set is to be stapled (not paper clipped) together as one unit, in sequential order. If not, penalty is 10%. No photocopies. Each student is to submit their own work (If not, grade on homework is zero).  An additional 20% may be deducted for sloppiness and/or poor English.  Do not submit any of the cover pages from the micro lab printers. The penalty is 10% for each cover page submitted. (Save the trees.)

Late submission penalty is 20% for each class late. Submission after the final exam receives zero credit. A sample of the problems will be used for grading. Submit in class. Do not leave in my mailbox, because it is not secure.




Study Tip: To prepare well for the Final Exam, create your own hand-written chapter outline containing all my notes with 10% additional material from the chapter that you find interesting (may apply in future).  Place on my desk before chapter is discussed.  Participate in class discussions.  Include any HW.  Will not be returned.

                                  (This page was lasted edited on November 04, 2006 .)