Fall 2006
to Dr. Lyons PatLyons
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Homework - Set I
Additional Problem - You are manager of a group of financial analysts, who provide
investment services. The analysts use data on 10,000 financial products updated monthly by
your firms research department. You and the manager of the research department have
agreed to use Acceptance Sampling with AQL = 0.0001, a = .05,
LTPD = .0050, and b = 0.10.
Right click here and use SaveTargetAs option to download my Excel worksheet, R508S4e.xls (47KB).
Use it to solve the problem.
Verbal: Be prepared to present your solution any class after the
Item is
assigned. For computerized problems, bring solution printout and disk to demo
solution on the PC to the class.
At the professor's discretion, the class may be requested to submit their
solutions during the first 2 minutes of class. After review by professor,
students will volunteer, and one will be selected for
presentation. While there is no magic formula to
determine your Presentation of HW grade, some typical
scenarios are:
0% - submit no verbal HW when requested,
50% - submit all verbal HW
when requested, never volunteer,
100% - submit all verbal HW when
requested, always volunteer.
(If you wish, you may think of these as take-home quizzes.)
Written: This homework set is due at the start of the midterm exam. It is to be neat and professional looking. As a result, your solutions must show all work, not just the answer. An additional cover or binding is not required nor desired, but the problem set is to be stapled (not paper clipped) together as one unit, in sequential order. If not, penalty is 10%. No photocopies. Each student is to submit their own work (If not, grade on homework is zero). An additional 20% may be deducted for sloppiness and/or poor English. Each problem solved with POM for Windows is to have the problem number and <Your name> in the title. If not, penalty is 10% for each problem. Do not submit any of the cover pages from the micro lab printers. The penalty is 10% for each cover page submitted. (Save the trees.)
Late submission penalty is 20% for each class late. Submission after the final exam
receives zero credit. A sample of the problems will be used for grading. Submit in class.
Do not leave in my mailbox, because it is not secure.
(This page was lasted edited on
September 18, 2006