Leonardo da Vinci
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- Primary Source for These Notes
- How to Think like Leonardo da Vinci, by Michael J. Gelb,
published by Dell Publishing, a division of Random House, Inc., New York
- Author contact information - Michael J. Gelb, 114 The Promenade,
Edgewater NJ 07020, Tel: 201-943-5303, Email: DaVincian@aol.com,
- The book has been a Washington Post bestseller, a
New York Times business bestseller, and an Amazon.com No. 1 pick. It has
been published in 18 languages.
- The Seven Principles of Leonardo da Vinci for Creative Thinking
(Gelb's book
has a chapter devoted to each principle with enhancement exercises.)
Curiositá - an enthusiastically curious approach to life with an
unrelenting quest for continuous learning.
- Dimostrazione - a commitment to test knowledge through experience with
a willingness to learn from mistakes.
- Sensazione - a commitment to the continual refinement of the senses,
especially sight, as a means to enliven experience.
- Sfumato (literally "Going up in Smoke") - a willingness to
embrace ambiguity, paradox, and uncertainty.
- Arte/Scienza - a commitment to "whole-brain" thinking by
developing a balance between science and art. (Left side
of brain does logical, analytical thinking, while right side does
imaginative, big-picture thinking.)
- Corporalita - a commitment to cultivate grace, ambidexterity, fitness,
and poise.
- Connessione - a commitment to systems thinking by the appreciating the
interconnectedness of all things.
- Leonardo's Advice on: (pages 194, 200, 251 of Gelb)
- Eating
- Eat simple (vegetarian) food.
- Eat only when you want and sup light.
- Keep upright when you rise from the dining table.
- Chew well.
- Go to the toilet regularly.
- Relationships
- Ask advice of him who governs himself well.
- Reprove a friend in secret but praise him before others.
- Beware of anger and avoid grievous moods.
- Rest your head and keep your mind cheerful.
- Exercise
- Exercise moderately.
- Be covered well at night.
- Do not be with the belly upwards or the head lowered.
- Leonardo's Life and Times (page 309 of Gelb)
1452 - Birth of Leonardo on April 15.
- 1473 - Leonardo admitted to the painters' guild.
- 1475 - Birth of Michelangelo.
- 1481 - Leonardo works on The Adoration of the Magi.
- 1482 - Leonardo moves to Milan and works under the patronage of
Ludovico Sforza.
- 1490 - Leonardo establishes his own workshop.
- 1497 - Leonardo works on The Last Supper.
- 1499 - Sforza equestrian model destroyed.
- 1506 - Mona Lisa completed.
- 1519 - Death of Leonardo on May 2 at age 67.
- Leonardo's Horse (Il Cavallo)
Leonardo receives a commission from Ludovico Sforza to build an
equestrian monument honoring his father, Francesco Sforza, the previous
grand duke of Milan.
- After more than a decade of work, Leonardo constructs a 24 foot high
full-scale model.
- In 1499, the French overwhelm Milan and destroy the model horse
by using it for archery target practice.
- In 1977, Charles Dent of Allentown, Pennsylvania, conceives a dream to
build Leonardo's horse, Il Cavallo, and give it to the Italian people as a
thank-you gift for the treasures of the Renaissance.
- On September 10, 1999 (500 years from the day the
original model was destroyed), the completed Il Cavallo is
unveiled in Milan.
- For more information on Il Cavallo, see www.leonardoshorse.org.
- Internet Resources
- National Museum of
Science and Technology in Milan, Italy - www.museoscienza.org/english/
da Vinci - www.museoscienza.org/english/leonardo/Default.htm
Notebooks - www.museoscienza.org/english/leonardo/manoscritti.html -
has links to Leonardo's codices
- Leonardo
Museum in Vinci, Italy - www.leonet.it/comuni/vincimus/invinmus.html
Library in Vinci, Italy - www.leonet.it/comuni/vincibib/in_vibib.html
- Museum of Science in Boston, MA - www.mos.org
- www.mos.org/leonardo
- www.davincilife.com
(This page was last edited on
April 28, 2011