Fall 2006
to Dr. Lyons PatLyons
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Course Outline
Management 509 - Operations Management
Welcome to Operations Management! This field of study has applications in every area of
business, especially accounting, finance, and marketing. My overall
objective for you is that you will apply at least three of the course topics in the first
three years after graduation and significantly advance your career because of these
applications. To do this, you must study the
assigned material before class, until the concepts are familiar to you. As a
result, we can have meaningful discussions in class about how to apply the
- Text
Operations Management: Quality and
Competitiveness in a Global Environment,
Edition, Roberta S. Russell and Bernard W. Taylor,
John Wiley & Sons,
2006, ISBN 0-471-69209-3.
- Topic Sequence
Part I - Designing a Productive System
Chapter 1 - Operations and
Chapter 2 - Operations Strategy
Chapter 3 - Quality Management
Chapter 4
- Statistical
Process Control
5 - Products and Services
6 - Processes and Technologies
7 -
Chapter 8
- Human Resources
Chapter 9 - Project Management
Part II - Operating a Productive System
Chapter 10 - Supply Chain Management
Chapter 11 - Forecasting (no formal discussion, covered in Eco/Fin)
Chapter 12 - Inventory Management
Chapter 13 - Aggregate Planning
Chapter 16 - Scheduling
Chapter 17 - Waiting Line Analysis for
Service Improvement
Chapter 14 -
Resource Planning
(No quantitative homework)
Chapter 15 - Lean Production - Just-In-Time Systems
(No quantitative homework)
- Grade
20% - Midterm Exam
30% - Final Exam
- 10% - Application of
Operations Management Presentation
20% - Written Homework
of OM Draft - 4%, Application of
OM Written - 10%, HW Set I -
3%, HW Set II -
- 10% - Presentation of Homework Exercises -
This grade is based on having an honest written attempt at the solution
and volunteering to present.
See Set I for details.
First Half Presentation of Homework Exercises
(from start to Midterm) - 5%.
Second Half Presentation of Homework Exercises
(from Midterm to Final)
- 5%.
10% - Class Participation - subjective evaluation of your contribution to the class.
On the positive side, volunteering
Class Participation Action Items (CPAI), is
highly encouraged. Click
here for details.
While there is no magic formula to determine your Class Participation
grade, some typical scenarios for each half of the
semester are:
20% - attend every class, submit no CPAIs,
60% - attend every class, submit
all requested CPAIs, but never volunteer,
100% - attend every class, submit all
requested CPAIs, volunteer for all CPAIs, and actively participate thru
out the marking period.
On the negative side, engaging in (perceived) private conversations
during class is penalized 20% for each occurrence.
First Half
Participation (from start to Midterm) - 5%. Second Half
Participation (from Midterm to Final) - 5%.
As a personal note, now that this outline is on the Internet, I would like to add that,
for the vast majority of my classes, the students behave in a very professional manner and
we all learn a great deal in class as a result. However, in a small number of classes,
there are a few students who do not realize how disruptive private conversations are to
the learning process. Explaining it rationally works for some students. For others, the
only motivator is a penalty to their grade. At first, this seemed very childish to me, but
it was the only method that worked with these very few immature students. If you are a
mature current St. John's student, please disregard these comments about childish
penalties. I dislike them even more than you. I wish to concentrate on the positive
aspects of learning. If you are a prospective St. John's student, please don't
be concerned about a childish learning environment. Most St. John's students and
classes are positive and productive. A similar comment is also appropriate for the
homework penalties. Click here to
download an Excel worksheet to compute your grade.
- Contact Information
Office: Room 404 Bent Hall
Office Hours: Tuesday, Thursday 9:30-10:30 AM; Monday 5:30-6:30 PM; Other times - by
Phone: (718) 990-6476 or 990-7404
Include "Mgt 509" and your name in the Subject Line.
- Requirements

- Class Discussions
- Objectives
- To clarify concepts of operations management
- To reinforce the wide applicability of operations management.
- Procedure
- Print a copy of my Chapter Outline available on
the Internet at
- Read the assigned chapter before class, using
my Chapter Outline as a guide.
- Think about how you could apply the material.
- Bring the assigned Chapter Outlines and textbook to class.
- Participate in class discussions. Feel free to ask questions and
hypothesize new ideas (The Internet is revolutionizing how we produce goods and services).
You'll learn faster and it will be more enjoyable for everyone involved.
- Please remember that AACSB (Association to
Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) recommends that you
spend 2 hours outside of class studying for every hour in class.
Application of Operations Management
- Objective - to reinforce the wide applicability of operations management.
- Click here for details.
- Assigned Homework Exercises
- Objective - to reinforce the important quantitative methods covered in class.
- Verbal Presentations - students will present material as assigned.
- Written Homework - Due Dates:
Set I - session of midterm; Set II - three sessions before final
- Calendar - click here for
Course Calendar
page was last edited on
September 25, 2006.)