College Address

8 Boynton St

Worcester, MA 01609

(508) 754-9859

Sean P. Wickman

Home Address

Not posted on Internet.

Available on request.

OBJECTIVE              To obtain a challenging full time position utilizing my background in Biotechnology.

EDUCATION             Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA

May 2001                     Bachelor of Science

                                    Major: Biotechnology (concentration: Environmental biology)

RELEVANT               Anatomy                          Ultramicrotomy Lab                                             Animal Physiology

COURSES                  Genetics                           Experimental Biology I                                          Neurobiology

                                    Virology                           Animal Cell Culture Techniques                            Organic Chemistry

                                    Immunology                     Developmental Biology                                         Chemistry I, II, III, IV

                                    Statistics                          Principles of Electrical Engineering                        Computational Biology

                                    Surveying                         Wastewater Treatment                                         Environmental Engineering

PROJECTS                Major Qualifying Project

8/99 - 5/01                    Immuno Electron Microscopy of Horseshoe Crabs

                                    -Advisor Daniel G. Gibson, III, Ph.D.

                                    -Cultured, grew, and prepared specimens for transmission electron microscopy

                                    -Practiced etching techniques for transmission electron microscopy

 1/99 - 3/01                    Interactive Qualifying Project

                                    Obtaining a teaching certificate in biology

-Taught anatomy and cell biology at South Community High School, Worcester, MA, for one semester

                                    -Analyzed teaching techniques

WORK                        Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Administrative Services

EXPERIENCE           Assisted in both mailing and print shop operations

5/00 - 3/01                    -Familiar with United States Postal Service regulations

                                    Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Biotechnology Department

1/01-3/01                      Teaching Assistant for Undergraduate Transmission Electron Microscopy Lab Course

1/00 - 3/00                    Teaching Assistant for Graduate Transmission Electron Microscopy Course

                                    -Taught fixation, embedding procedures, darkroom usage, and preparation and usage of ultramicrotome

                                    -Wrote lab procedures for students

10/99 - 12/99                 Worcester Art Museum, Worcester, MA

                                    Computer Lab Monitor of an Adult Educational Photoshop Course

-Ensured operational effectiveness of computer lab

-Identified and resolved computer problems

5/99 - 8/99                    Yawgoog Scout Reservation, Rockville, RI

                                    Scoutmaster of Provisional Campsite Baden Powell

-Responsible for the professional and social leadership of 50 Boy Scouts each week for the entire summer

                                    -Managed and trained a team consisting of 5 staff members

                                    -Sought any necessary medical care for minors under my supervision

LAB                            Ultramicrotomy                Preparation of Glass Knives                   Fixation Techniques

SKILLS                      Animal Cell Culture          Sterile Technique                                   Embedding Techniques

                                    Gel Electrophoresis           Basic Transmission Electron Microscope Operation

                                    Darkroom Operation         Experienced with Pipetting Devices        Experienced with Balance

ACTIVITIES              Alpha Chi Rho Fraternity, Delta Sigma Phi

1996 - Present                        -Risk Management Officer

                                    Excellence in Math Science and Engineering Program

                                             -Membership Development Officer

                                    Boy Scouts of America

                                             -Eagle Scout & Active Assistant Scoutmaster

REFERENCES           Available upon request